Human Research Protections Program (HRPP)

About the HRPP

The University of Akron is committed to the ethical treatment of human participants in research.  To ensure such treatment, and compliance with Federal laws regarding such work, the University has established a Human Research Protections Program (HRPP).  The HRPP is overseen by the Signatory Official, and is comprised of oversight through the Office of Research Administration and an appointed Institutional Review Board (IRB).  The IRB is responsible for reviewing human subjects research, to ensure it meets the criteria for approval established by the Federal Agency, the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP).  The HRPP and the IRB use the ethical principles described in the Belmont Report.

About the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The University of Akron Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) is an administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of individuals recruited for participation in research conducted under the auspices of the university or its affiliates. Its mission is to advance an organizational culture and infrastructure that supports the highest ethical standards in the review and implementation of research with human participants. The University of Akron gives the IRB ultimate authority for approval of research with human participants.

IRB Protocol Application submissions are fully transitioned to a cloud-based system as of November 15, 2023. Click here for links to training session information and more information (including a link to the system).
New applications are no longer accepted by email.  New applications must be submitted in the cloud-based system.

IRB resources

State of Ohio mandates which impacting “human” (e.g., behavioral or physiological) face-to-face research were lifted as of June 2, 2021. However, the following campus protocols are still in place for your own personal safety and the safety of others while on campus. 

The University encourages anyone who is not fully vaccinated, feeling ill or who is immunocompromised to use caution and consider facial coverings for their personal safety.
Masks continue to be required at some campus locations. (See Coronavirus info, scroll down and open Mask Policy.)
The University continues to monitor conditions and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the State of Ohio and Summit County Public Health and adjusts masking and other protocols as needed. 
Masks must be made available to human research subjects meeting with researchers in-person on campus. Social distancing is not required. Researchers are urged to accommodate a research subject’s request for social distancing while on campus if possible.
It is recommended to clean and disinfect all surfaces touched by multiple people (such as door handles, tables, shared equipment, shared keyboards) between each person’s use. 
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
If feeling sick, reschedule your in-person on campus meeting for a different date/time or meet virtually.
If you have questions, please email and include your IRB number (if you have an active protocol), or call Jandy Hanna, Research Compliance Officer, Office of Research Administration at 330-972-4394. 

IRB applications must be submitted electronically, through a cloud-based system.

  • Full board review protocols (those greater than minimal risk or not within a category eligible for exemption or expedited review) may take 2-3 months from initial review to approval.
  • Some IRB applications can be approved through exempt or expedited review procedures.  These applications do not generally require a presentation to the full board. 
  • IRB applications eligible for exempt or expedited review may be submitted electronically any time and will be reviewed as they are received.
    • The process for exempt and expedited review and approval takes about two to four weeks. Expect an additional 2-4 weeks review period if revisions or updates are required.
  • IRB registrations for determination that the project is not human subjects research may be reviewed in 1-2 weeks.
    • Expect an additional 1-2 weeks review period if clarifications are requested.

In general, the more complete the initial proposal, the less time it takes for approval.  Applicants should retain a copy of their protocol for their own records. For questions, please contact the Office of Research Administration, 330-972-4394 or 


IRB meetings are held as needed during the fall and spring semesters. If needed, additional meeting(s) are scheduled. Applications, which require full board review, are due approximately one month prior to the IRB Meeting.

Month Meeting Date (application due ~ one month prior)
August None
September Friday-9/6/2024 10am
October Friday-10/4/2024 10am
November Friday-11/1/2024 10am
December Friday 12/6/2024 10am